The SaaS / Cloud Solutions Lab
A wiSource Research Section
The SaaS (Software as a Service / Cloud) Lab™
The SaaS Lab brings together some of the industry’s top software applications subject matter experts to explore the unique challenges of cloud-based applications and business process transformation models and the potential solutions that these may provide.
Where Do SaaS Leaders Collaborate?
Our SaaS and Cloud-based Applications Lab is an invitation-only collaborative environment to connect the visionaries charged with leading the way in their organizations.
Most research indicates that the most important determinant of successful SaaS initiatives is leadership. But most of the jobs in the industry for SaaS & Cloud-based Application deployment and management are new roles, and one of the lessons that seasoned these leaders repeatedly tell us is that this transformation leadership cannot be delegated: it is a C-driven initiative. The right leadership is the difference between success and failure.
The WiSource SaaS Lab is designed to bring together executives, change agents, visionaries, practitioners, and advisors in this emergent specialization to promote new solutions, avoid risks, and develop best-practices .
SaaS Challenges
Cloud software is any program or applications delivered over the internet. The cloud refers to all applications, processes, and data that are hosted by service providers and delivered over the internet, as opposed to being hosted on a company’s own local computing resources. The type of cloud deployment depends on who owns the infrastructure and who has access to the systems. However, our SaaS Lab explores beyond the ordinary problems into unique business use cases where AI and other innovative solutions may better serve enterprise problems.
Together we discuss new trends in enterprise companies and how they will affect new business processes, cloud-based architecture, big data, and convergent opportunities in the immediate future. We also come together and create an elite consultancy for member companies’ benefit. Top executives from analytics, data management, cloud applications, and AI help companies understand new trends and opportunities and the best way to utilize new data science models and options. Our group helps mid-size and large enterprises extract the most value from their data & analytics ecosystems and relationships. We save our clients time and valuable resources, effectively reducing their search time and costs and help them find the best in class solutions and tools.
Membership and participation in this is by invitation only
The SaaS Lab is restricted to industry veterans with documented accomplishments and tenured positions within their organization and unique leading-edge development companies in this space. Members are invited from academia, advisory groups, and top service providers. The Lab also consists of several participating executive members who provide input and valuable insights.