The B2B Research Council
A wiSource Affiliate
The B2B Research Council™
The B2B Research Council is an independent group affiliated with wiSource Innovation Think Tank for Leading Executives. It comprises a unique group of business leaders and solution providers focused on new challenges in the B2B commerce space.
The B2B Research Council brings together some of the industry’s top service providers and implementation experts, as well as enterprise executives to explore how the B2B sales and marketing models are evolving and the need for better tools or solutions, such as in payables, CRM solutions, big data, and possible application of machine learning.
This group explores these new trends and challenges with the goal of finding the right solutions for specific complex enterprise challenges.
Participation is restricted
The B2B Research Council is restricted to industry veterans with documented accomplishment and tenured positions within their organization. Members are invited from enterprise management and top service providers. It also consists of several participating C-suite executive members who provide valuable insights into today’s enterprise solution gaps.