Hospitality & Travel Center of Excellence
wiSource Industry Focus

Hospitality & Travel
Each wiSource Center of Excellence brings together Leading Executives from some of the industry’s top companies, each is a subject matter expert and thought leader helping to explore the unique challenges of each industry or enterprise segment and the potential solutions that are currently missing.
Together the members of our Centers explore gaps in the sphere of processes and other unique challenges that might lend themselves to innovative solutions that we bring together. Each identifies the challenges or gaps, then helps define critical use cases where a solution is needed.
Top executives from enterprises help our solution development Labs to understand new trends and opportunities and the best way to utilize new science, technology, processes, solutions, or use-case models and options. Our Centers analyzes enterprise real-world challenges to identify the most value from potential ecosystem solutions. This helps rapidly identify corporate challenges and needed solutions, and work with our wiSource Labs to fully identify needed solutions that can effectively reduce the search time and costs associated to find best in class solutions and tools.
Membership and participation in this is by invitation only
Each Center of Excellence is restricted to industry veterans with a documented set of accomplishments and tenured positions within their organization. We seek professionals from unique leading edge development companies in there space. Members are also invited from academia, advisory groups and top service providers. The Center brings together participating executive members who provide input and valuable insights.